Collegium generale Lecture Series: Afrika, Africa, Afrique Bearing The Unbearable: The Transplantation Journey for HIV Positive Individuals 23 October18.15 - 19.45
The Bern Lectures in Health Science – Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Overselling Health AI: Ethical Challenges and Interventional Possibilities 24 October16.00 - 17.00
Vortrag und Diskussion – krino Philosophische Gesellschaft Bern / Institut für Philosophie Willensfreiheit als Fähigkeit 24 October18.15 - 20.00
Symposium – Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) From bytes to beds – Navigating patient safety in the digital transformation of clinical work 25 October09.00
NFP 77 Dialogveranstaltung – Nationales Forschungsprogramm Digitale Transformation (SNF) «Digitale Transformation: Herausforderungen für demokratische Prozesse» 25 October13.30 - 17.30